In 2017, the seeds of The Stockit were sown amid the chaos of scaling an online brand. Muhammad Luqman Pervez and Mohammad Shehzad, drowning in a sea of inconsistent marketing solutions, longed for a beacon of clarity. Frustrated by the lack of honest, objective resources, they embarked on a mission: to illuminate the marketing jungle for fellow entrepreneurs.

Thus, The Stockit was born. Fueled by relentless testing, meticulous comparisons, and countless software reviews, we aim to be your go-to arsenal for navigating the ever-evolving digital landscape. Whether you're a WordPress warrior battling plugins, a Shopify sorcerer conjuring conversions, or an affiliate alchemist seeking promotional gold, we have the tools and knowledge to empower your path.

Dive into our treasure trove of:

  • Impartial Software & Tool Reviews: No sugarcoating, just facts. We test every platform, app, and plugin through the fires of real-world usage, delivering unbiased evaluations you can trust.
  • Web Development Wizardry: From crafting bespoke WordPress websites to unlocking the secrets of Shopify development, our experts guide you through the digital maze, brick by digital brick.
  • Digital Marketing Masterclass: Learn the art of captivating campaigns, mastering social media, and turning clicks into conversions. Our tutorials are your map to online marketing mastery.
  • Affiliate Alchemy: We unveil the secrets of turning passions into profit. Master the art of strategic partnerships, lucrative link building, and monetizing your brand with proven affiliate marketing strategies.

The Stockit is more than just a resource; it's a community of like-minded entrepreneurs. We offer a platform to share experiences, swap tips, and conquer digital challenges together. So, join us on this journey! Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a fledgling explorer, The Stockit has the tools and guidance to help your brand blossom.

Let's build your digital empire, one review, one line of code, one click at a time.

meet our expert team


Lqman Pervez

Affiliate Marketer
Think of it as being a sales person who gets paid for referring customers, but without the storefront or inventory!

Seema Batool

Content Writer
we creates inspiring content for blogs, social media, and more. We work closely with clients to reflect their brand and drive results.

M Shehzad

Affiliate Marketer
We uses the latest tricks and years of experience to create campaigns that help businesses achieve their online goals.

Salim Khudfah

Web Developer
We build customized and visually striking websites using the latest web tech, prioritizing results for our clients.